Monday, October 28, 2013

Sopron Week 9

Hello everyone! Azt remélem, hogy minden jó nektek! Olányira halas vagyok ezert a hétért! 

We had a great week! We were able to hit mission standard again for the week, which was great! We thought we weren't going to get it because at first, no one showed up to church! But, to our surprise, one of our "not as progressing" investigators showed up late! We were so excited for her, and she was happy to be there. 

So, I had my first really big "service" opportunity this past week. There is a lady that lives out in the boondocks of Sopron that like purchased four tons of cow manure for her garden. So, we went out to help her, along with the Browns and the other elders. We spent about three hours shoveling poop. It was nasty. I mean, when you would shovel a good chunk out, it was all STEAMY. Ewwwwww it was so gross! I had my pitchfork in hand and a wheel barrow, and I couldn't help but think of Monty Python: "There's some lovely filth over here!" So great. I felt like a true Hungarian. 

Thank you all so much for the prayers for my health, I am feeling so much better now! I am able to eat regular food again, and I am doing great! Back out to work! 

We also went bobsledding last week! They have this really cool track out in the forest around Sopron and for like $2 you can go down it! And you can get going like super fast! In the picture that I included you can see a bit of Neely in the background, coming in fast RIGHT BEHIND ME. That was scary, he's crazy! Haha! He's a great kid. It was really relaxing to take the lift up into the mountains and just hangout with my elders here. We had a great time!

So Halloween is this week! Here in Hungary they have "Minden Szentek Nap", or All Saints Day. During that day, which is November 1st, they all go to their cemeteries and decorate the graves of their family members. At night, they light candles, so all of the cemeteries are glowing practically. It's pretty creepy, but really cool at the same time! 

We had a pretty cool experience this week: so we finally set up with a guy that I had been trying to call for like a month now. We met him at his work place, which was like some sewing place or what not, kind of like a hole in the wall type store. He works with this really nice lady that designs. As we began talking with him, I noticed that she was listening as we talked about the Book of Mormon. So, we did something a bit unusual: I split off and began talking to her about the Book of Mormon, while my companion continued to talk to our original investigator about Joseph Smith. What ended up happening was that two Books of Mormon were placed, and we should be meeting with not only our original guy, but also his co-worker this Saturday. Absolutely crazy! 

God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes we just need to follow him and trust in him. He knows best. It may seem totally out of place or inappopriate for the time, but He truely knows best. I've learned that once we follow him, it's like a broken pipe being pushed back together, and water can flow freely through it. I encourage you all to maybe push your "broken pipes" that are keeping you from the flowing waters of God's love. 

Trust me. It's worth it. 

Have a great week, everyone :) 

Sok Szeretettel,
Giacalone elder 

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